1 Attribute VB_Name = " 2 Version 1.0 Class 3 Begin VB.Form 4 Attribute VB_Name = " 5 Begin VB.MDIForm 6 Name; Comment; 8 ID; Parent; 2000 2001 &Help 2002 Close 2003 &Note 3000 3001 Controls 3002 Clone Controls and Forms 3003 Copy Controls 3004 Paste Controls 3005 Select one or more Controls and click Copy. 3006 Clone Controls 3007 You must save the form before you can clone controls. 3008 You must select one or more controls to clone. 3009 The Controls you are cloning are on a Form that has not been saved. The cloning process uses the form file. Continue anyway? 3010 Select a form or container for the controls and click paste. 3011 Paste the previous Controls or Copy new ones. 3012 Controls that contain collections of controls such as ' 3013 ' may not be cloned properly. 3014 You must select the form or a single container control before proceeding. 4000 4001 Form 4002 Copy Form 4003 Paste Form 4004 F&orm Name: 4005 File N&ame: 4006 Select a Form and click Copy. 4007 Clone Form 4008 You must save the form before you can clone it. 4009 The Form you are cloning has not been saved. The cloning process uses the form file. Continue anyway? 4010 Click Paste to add the Form to the Project. 4011 Paste the previous Form or Copy a new one. 4012 The form ' 4013 was successfully cloned. 4014 Unable to add form 5000 5001 Clone Styles 5002 Copy Style 5003 Paste Style 5004 Select a single Control or Form and click Copy. 5005 Select a form and click Paste. 5006 Click Copy for a new Style. 5007 Select one or more 5008 s and click Paste. 5009 Click Copy for a new Style. 5010 No default Style properties were found for this control. Use the Library Browser to define properties. 5011 An error occured getting Style properties for this control. Unable to clone. 5012 The only properties that will be cloned are the default Style properties that are defined for the selected control or form. 5013 'Default Styles' can be defined within the Library Browser. 6000 (err) 6001 The following error occured: 6002 File Error 6003 unknown error 6004 The maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. 6005 ' is open for exclusive access by another user.\n 6006 A table that is needed is currently opened exclusively by another user. 6007 Can't update. The Library is read-only. 6008 An internal disk or drive failure prevents reading from the disk. 6009 ' is currently locked by another user or session. 6010 Can't open any more Libraries at this time. 6011 ' is either: 6012 1. Open exclusively. 6013 2. Is read only. 6014 3. You do not have read data permissions. 6015 The MS-DOS file sharing lock count has been exceeded. 6016 You have too many copies of Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications running. 6017 Database Error 6018 Error 6019 OLE Error 7000 general messages (msg) 7001 The Library: 7002 Continue anyway? 7003 The file containing the methods ' 7004 ' could not be found. 7005 The methods will not be inserted. 7006 ' does not exist.